Going To The Beach With Your Babesta? Here's What You Need!

We've rounded up our favorite musts for a seaside vacation! Ready, set, dive in!

1. Beach Blanket by Little Unicorn

Little unicorn beach blanket at babesta

Start your beach day by laying out a chic beach blanket that protects you from the hot sand. This cute blue check number by Little Unicorn is just right, as it folds up into a neat little pouch for easy transport.


2. Awesome Summer Ready Swimsuit

Molo swimsuit happyface

You've got so many choices from Molo and Huxbaby to Bobo Choses and Nununu. Find the perfect swimwear for you!


3. Sunscreen and Floppy Bucket Hat

Little kid wearing nununu floppy hat

It goes without saying but we'll say it. Kids need to be slathered in sunscreen and you've got to reapply often. For the littles, they really should not be in the sun before 6 months and then after 6 months, all exposed skin should be protected with a mineral sunscreen. 

Once you've done that, top them off with a bucket hat. They're not only cute but they protect their face. 

4. Swim Goggles

Little boy wearing swim goggles

A cute pair of goggles for swimming underwater. We love the sharks and mermaids by Sunnylife.

5. Floaties

 Girl wearing swim floaties

Inflatable floaties or noodles are great as a swim assist. Always supervise though!

6. Swimvest

little boy wearing shark swim vest

These swimvests help them float and look as cute as can be!

7. Dive Set & Buddies

Little boy wearing dive set

There are endless games to play in the pool. Toss a dive buddy and all the kids can dive in to retrieve it. Or if they're ready for a little snorkeling the dive set is just the ticket. 

8. Bucket & Spade Set

Child scooping sand in a beach bucket by Sunnylife

Ready to make a sandcastle? This bucket and spade set is a good start!

9. Beach Bats

beach bats by sunnylife

Yes, we know it's all about pickleball, but when you're surfside, grab your beach bats as this is the "it" game to play. Be mindful of your neighbors though!

10. Cool Inflatable

Little boy in a crab inflatable

There's nothing like floating in the sea on your own googly eyed inflatable. Be sure to get plenty of pics!


There you have it! Vacation fun is just around the corner! And for those of your heading out east to visit friends over the summer, these goodies on our list make great gifts, making pooltime in the Hamptons even more of a splash!


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