Common Misconceptions When Choosing An Infant Car Seat
In talking to new parents to be every day, we've found that there are several common misconceptions about car seats. We wanted to dedicate a post to address these to make choosing a car seat easier and more clear!
Myth: If I Don't Have A Car, I Don't Need A Car Seat.
Even if you don’t own a car (a common scenario for city dwellers), you’ll still need an infant car seat to bring your little one home from the hospital. And after that, you need to have a safe way to transport your little one quickly and safely if needed.
In fact, for those who don't own a car and even those who do, the reality of urban life means you’ll likely rely on a mix of transportation options—your car, taxis, rideshares, buses, and subways—to get around.
We know space is precious in the city, but your little one is the most precious of all and needs to be safe.
Myth: The Lighter, The Better.
Not necessarily. Although it is great for your car seat to be light (we're looking at you 5.9lb UppaBaby Aria!), it's important to understand that some features and materials you might want add extra weight (and that extra weight may be worth it for you.)
Also, the lighter seat may be smaller and not accommodate a bigger baby, which means they'll grow out of it faster. Again, an extra pound my be worth it at the end of the day.
This is even more true if you have a compatible stroller, as you don't have to carry the baby around for any time in the car seat --- it's simply in and out of the car. All in all, it's best to consider the weight but not let this be the sole factor you're deciding with.
Myth: I Have To Buy A Car Seat That Is The Same Brand As My Stroller.
Not true! Although stroller companies would like you to do that, you don't have to and we would argue it's not necessarily the best match. This is because when choosing a car seat, you want one that will work seamlessly with all of your strollers.
Yes, I said strollers with an "s". In NYC most people end up with two strollers -- one for neighborhood comfort (we stroll alot) and one for travel, subways, and later pre-school.
Resist the urge to mindlessly buy a "bundle" of your primary stroller and car seat, as there are times where there's another option that might suit your needs more.
For instance: maybe your car seat is only compatible to your primary stroller but you didn't check your travel stroller (or you would prefer to get another travel stroller but for compatibility's sake your options are now limited.
(Generally it's easier to travel with your travel stroller so that's the compatibility relationship that matters most.)
Or maybe you got a stroller that doesn't have a 0+ seat. There are certain car seats that can lay flat when strolling that might be a great option for your travels.
If I Buy A Safe Car Seat, My Child Will Be Safe
Well, while that's partially true (if your car seat itself is not safe your child will not be safe), but there's another part of the equation. That's right: Installation.
For your car seat to be safe, you will have to install it right. We suggest that you review the written instructions and carefully follow the video tutorial when installing it. A good car seat will also have visual cues on the seat itself to remind you of the most important points.
If you need help in figuring out your infant car seat situation, come to us at Babesta.
We have all the best infant car seats that we think have the right safety features that you need. We also can walk you through car seat compatibility and figuring out a plan for mobility (primary stroller, travel stroller and car seat).
At Babesta, we work hard to stay on top of the latest products and regulations so that it's easier for you to sort through the wonderful world of baby!
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